pipe cracking equipment

GRUNDOBURST rigs are perfectly equipped for pipe renewal using the static pipe bursting method. With the powerful and robust pulling rigs, damaged old pipes with diameters up to 1,200mm (circular and oval profiles) can be renewed without the need for trenches. Pipe bursting is an acknowledged and important, sustainable method for renewing pressure and gravity gradient lines; it has been in use all over the world for the past 30 years. Old pipes, such as VCP, lead, PVC, PE, grey cast iron, ductile iron, AC,GFRP, steel, are replaced by new pipes, such asPE, PP, VCP, ductile cast iron, GFRP, steel, PVC, with identical, smaller or larger diameter pipes.
The Advantages
- Can be used for almost any types of damage and any kind of old pipe materials
- Long service life for the new pipe, 80 – 100 years
- The old pipe capacity can be scaled up by 1 – 2 nominal sizes
- QuickLock gives simple and safe rod connections – engage with a click without screwing together
- Even small bend radii can be accessed
- Fast installation and set-up times
- Renewal of already existing pipe-line routes
- 40% cost saving in comparison with open trench methods
- Minimal disruption to the environment and traffic flow
- Almost no re-instatement costs due to ground settlement or groundwater interference
- No road damage after pipe bursting
- Safe application according to latest rules and standards